Thursday, August 14, 2014

Exploring Text Features

This week we have been making anchor charts, exploring nonfiction texts, and making our own nonfiction book.  We have been talking about what features are and their purposes. Here are a few pictures of the students working and exploring!

Monday, August 4, 2014

"First Day Jitters"

Yay, we survived the first day of second grade!! We started off the day going through and sorting ALL of the school supplies. That took some time, but we managed with some brain breaks and a little reading time. Today I thought it was perfect to read the book, "First Day Jitters," since this was my first day in second grade too! After we read the story, we did a little writing activity and drawing on what jitters we might have. This was a good start for me to see what their writing looks like. We will be writing every day during our writers workshop. The students will learn to add details to their writing. I am excited to begin this workshop! Ask your child about, "jitter juice." That's right, almost everyone tried jitter juice today to get rid of all our jitters.
I think today was a successful day and I am thrilled to be able to teach my new group of second graders! Here is a group picture of our class today before recess. Also, here is a picture of a few students trying jitter juice.