Today was a fun and exciting day in Kindergarten. We cut open our class pumpkin from our field trip yesterday, and investigated it. First, I had all of the students to reach their hand inside and pull a handful of the pumpkin out on a plate. They were then instructed to sperate the seeds from the pumpkin goo. They loved doing this!!! We are currently learning about our five senses, so we applied our knowledge to the pumpkin investigation. The students then, counted all of the seeds that they had and wrote the number on a post-it note. We described what the pumpkin looked like, smelled like, and felt like. Some students put their finger in the pumpkin and tasted it. In math we are learning more, same as, and fewer, so we attached our post-it notes that had our number of seeds on it to graph paper and compared the amounts as same, fewer, or more. After inside recess, we enjoyed our Halloween cookies. I feel like our pumpkin investigation was a success. They were all excited to bring their seeds home to show their parents.

Scotty and Leela observing the pumpkin.
C.J going deep for some seeds.
Kady would not touch the seeds so I touched them while she counted them.
Zachary is proud of all his seeds.