Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bottom View Farms Field Trip

October 30, 2013 the kindergarten classes took all of the students to Bottom View Farms here in Portland. It was such a great day to spend at the farm riding on the hay rides, picking pumpkins, eating homemade ice cream, and playing at the farm. The students loved it, but were extremely exhausted by the end of the day. On the bus trip to the farms, they were loud and so excited, but that atmosphere changed on the ride back to the school. There were barely any students talking because they were so tired. It turned out to be a great first field trip for most of my students.

                                                                    Scotty & Mrs. Hardin

                                                  A.J., Dylan, Kaiden G., and Jake enjoying the train ride.
Oh no, my class is all locked up!

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