Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This was a short week of learning, but we were very busy during those two days at school. I read two thanksgiving stories to the students and we had a group discussion over the stories and applied our life stories with the reading. We gathered around in a big circle and discussed what each person was going to have on Thanksgiving Day and who they were celebrating the day with. The student responses were so sweet and funny at times. To sum it up, I was invited to all dinners and so was the rest of the class. But not to worry with running out of food, because several students mentioned that they were going to have a thousand turkeys. Haha. Plenty for everyone. We also did writing pieces of who they were thankful for and drawings of what their Thanksgiving dinner would look like. I hope you enjoy reading them because they tried very hard to do a good job.
I enjoy getting to teach to these children everyday. Some days can be challenging, but I would not change it for anything. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Our Fall Leaf Report

This week the students have been out searching for leaves at their house and bringing it in to share. When they bring them in, they present them to the class. They describe the leaf that they chose and tell why they chose that particular leaf. They seemed to really enjoy this project. Here are some pictures I took of them sharing their leaves.
Brayden sharing his leaf
Dylan Evans
Dillon C.
Trevor C.
Our class picture with all their leaves.

Today we had a special 5th grade student come read a few books to the class. Ellie West asked if she could come and read to them today. The studnets loved listening to her read.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The week of November 4, 2013

We have been working really hard this week in class learning and implementing our new skills.  
In reading we practiced visualizing what we were reading with the story Move! The students would listen to me read and I would pause for them to visualize what it would look like and them we discussed it.
Once a week we get 5 iPads to use in the classroom. This week the students got to use them in reading groups and during math.
In math this week we finished up our math lesson over more, fewer, and equal. We implemented the skills with hands on activities in small math stations with dice and manipulative. The students did pretty good with the skill.  Here are some photos of our week at school.

This is the students visualizing what they heard from the story Move.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Working with words that start with C

Our letter for the week is C. We are doing several activities with the letter. Today we searched through our library books for words that started with c and wrote the words down on paper. 
Scotty and Michelle working to find words that begin with c.
Leela, Ian, and C.J

Trevor C., Kaiden Gibbs, Kaiden Hall, and Makayla