Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This was a short week of learning, but we were very busy during those two days at school. I read two thanksgiving stories to the students and we had a group discussion over the stories and applied our life stories with the reading. We gathered around in a big circle and discussed what each person was going to have on Thanksgiving Day and who they were celebrating the day with. The student responses were so sweet and funny at times. To sum it up, I was invited to all dinners and so was the rest of the class. But not to worry with running out of food, because several students mentioned that they were going to have a thousand turkeys. Haha. Plenty for everyone. We also did writing pieces of who they were thankful for and drawings of what their Thanksgiving dinner would look like. I hope you enjoy reading them because they tried very hard to do a good job.
I enjoy getting to teach to these children everyday. Some days can be challenging, but I would not change it for anything. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

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